As an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist , I have learned that grief can sometimes be something we have to take a look at , before a client can get to where they want to go. It is to look into the nooks and crannies of their lives and see if there is anything that is being hampered through the emotional lens of grief.
The reason I work with women and men in mid-life, is because many of us have had successful and thriving lives , and because of that, we have experienced losses that come with time and a wide array of experiences in both , personal and professional.
Did you know that there are over 40 life events that cause grief? Deaths, breakups, childhood trauma, financial changes, moving, health problems, loneliness, PTSD, crushed dreams, career changes, retirement, empty nest and estrangement, to name a few
I know myself, while I have had some wonderful successes in my own life, there were some dreams that never seemed to have been fulfilled in my life, i.e., long term marriage/commitment with a romantic partner that needed to be really looked at and resolved.
What I learned is that there were certain barriers/filters that I walked in life through and ways of operating that had something to do with unresolved and incomplete grief.
The Grief Recovery Method is the action program for moving beyond death, divorce and other losses. The Grief Recovery Outreach Program gives participants specific actions to take, so they can recover from loss.
Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information we’ve learned about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although our Individual and Grief Support Groups involve some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery must deal with your broken heart, which requires emotional support instead of intellectual explanations.

What Does Evidence Based Mean?
The term “Evidence Based” means there is research that looks into how the Grief Recovery Method works and is published in a peer-reviewed journal. For this research, by Drs. Rachael Nolan and Jeff Hallam, published their results in two articles in “The American Journal of Health Education.” They also presented these studies at several conferences.
What this means is that their studies show that The Grief Recovery Method goes beyond a “best practice” or “promising approach” in dealing with the emotional pain of loss. This means there is high confidence that those who follow the Grief Recovery Method Action Plan can find happiness in their lives despite the loss they suffered.
The Grief Recovery Method helps grievers deal with those things they wish might have been different or better. It gives them the chance to address their dreams and hopes for the future, which is not the future they had planned. It helps them address the words left unspoken. It helps them with the lost relationship that they thought would cause them pain for the rest of their lives. All these things may sound too good to be true, but this research shows that this dream of a better tomorrow is very possible, thanks to the Grief Recovery Method Action Plan!
Life is meant to be lived fully and completely
While some losses we have experienced have been devastating and heartbreaking beyond measure, there is a way to happiness and recovery. A dream of a better tomorrow is very possible.